Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its 3 fricken 45 in the morning

Hey yo whats cookin fokes, I just got home from our late skate sesh at the southern rink. It was a great turn out, but it rough for old farts like kevin and I to stay and work and move ramps for all you little skate rats. But, we do cuz we luv skateboarding and some of you guys need to see what being committed to skateboarding is really all about. It aint all about you!!!!!!! Anyway, enough of Gabe's hardcore lessons coming out at four o clock in the morning. Well I thought i had better post this right away cuz there talking about banishing me from this blogging thing, and you know if that happens i'll prolly move to Idaho and become an amish or something. Latererer you all mi fingrrs r hurtn rilly rilly baddlier frum alll this tipe n!!!!!!

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